Stokes Hall 339N
Telephone: 617-552-3890
Email: lisa.cahill@bj7dian.com
Undergraduate Honors Program
Christian Ethics: Major Figures
Christian Ethics: Contemporary Figures
Ethics and Christology
Christian Perspectives on Bioethics
Bioethics and Social Justice
Feminist Theology and Ethics
Method in theological ethics; New Testament and ethics; Christology and Ethics; Ethics of Sex and Gender; Bioethics; Ethics of war and peacemaking; Social ethics, common good and globalization; Catholic social teaching.
Global Justice, Christology, and Christian Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Genetics, Theology, Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Conversation (Crossroad, 2005).
Theological Bioethics: Participation, Justice and Change (Georgetown Univ. Press, 2005).
Bioethics and the Common Good (Marquette University Press, 2004).
Family: A Christian Social Perspective (Fortress, 2000).