Director, Undergraduate Rome Summer Program
Co-Director, Catholic Education and Theology Minor
Interim Director, Catholic Studies Minor
Stokes Hall 449N
Telephone: 617-552-3588
Email: liam.bergin@bj7dian.com
Engaging Catholicism
A Theology of Food
Sacraments and Art
Sacraments and Catholic Life
Ritual, Liturgy, Sacraments, Eschatology, Sacraments and Art, Liturgical Translations.
Th 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., W 12:45-3 p.m., or by appointment
Monsignor Liam Bergin is a priest of the diocese of Ossory, Ireland. Following high school, he entered seminary at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, where he completed a bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in chemistry and mathematics. He continued his formation towards priesthood at the Pontifical Irish College, Rome. He gained a baccalaureate (S.T.B.), licentiate (S.T.L.) and doctorate in theology (S.T.D.) at the Gregorian University. His doctoral thesis on baptism and eschatology (O Propheticum Lavacrum: Baptism as Symbolic Act of Eschatological Salvation) was awarded the Bellarmine Prize in Theology at the Gregorian University. He taught sacramental theology at the Gregorian from 1999-2011. He came to Boston College as a visiting professor in the in 2011 and was subsequently appointed Professor of the Practice in 2014. He is priest in residence and ministers at St Brigid/Gate of Heaven parishes in South Boston.
“Saving Water” Worship, 94 (2022): 106-123
“Towards the Future” in Richard Gaillardetz, Thomas Groome & Richard Lennan (eds.), Priestly Ministry and the People of God, (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2022): 46-53.
“In italiano: on the Italian translation of the Roman Missal” The Furrow 72 (2021): 281-289
“Anointed to Proclaim the Kingdom” in John F. Baldwin & David Farina Turnbloom (eds.), Catholic Sacraments: A Rich Source of Blessings (2015): 46-49
“From Breaking Jars to Breaking Bread: Eucharist as Prophetic Act”, Worship 89 (2015) 331-350
“Anticipating the Future: Christian Life and Worship in Memory of the Eschatological Lord”,
Doctrine and Life 64 n.10 (2014) 3-15
“How Liturgy Shapes” in The Ossory Times, March 2018, 17-20
“Spinning Top: On recent developments in Sacramental Theology” in Intercom, March 2018, 24-26
“Translations Matter: On Pope Francis’s Magnum Principium” The Furrow 68 (2017) 603-610