Majors & Minors

Our majors offer solid preparation and guidance for students interested in teaching, graduate studies, or careers in fields such as law, medicine, interpreting, publishing, and international business. Contact Franco Mormando, Director of Undergraduate Studies with any questions.



A French Studies major assures exceptional competence in French, allowing students to work extensively and closely with literary and cultural artifacts that language makes possible. Building on their linguistic proficiency consolidated in the language program, majors expand that proficiency to a wide variety of French texts. This training exercises and assures our students' ability to analyze texts and contexts, as well as to conceive, articulate, and defend an original idea.

French Studies minors reap similar benefits, albeit to a lesser extent, by attaining linguistic proficiency and taking at least two 4000-level courses.

Language Courses for the Major and Minor

Students begin the program at the level most appropriate for their linguistic proficiency. Contact Prof. Andrea Javel ( for guidance about placement.

French Studies majors and minors may begin their program with Conversation, Composition and Reading I (FREN2209) or II (FREN2210).

A Hispanic Studies major assures exceptional competence in Spanish, allowing students to work extensively and closely with literary and cultural artifacts that language makes possible. Building on their linguistic proficiency consolidated in the language program, majors expand that proficiency to a wide variety of Spanish texts. This training exercises and assures our students' ability to analyze texts and contexts, as well as to conceive, articulate, and defend an original idea.

Language Courses for the Major and Minor

Students begin the program at the level most appropriate for their linguistic proficiency. Contact Prof. Yohana Gil Berrio ( for guidance about placement.

Hispanic Studies majors and minors may begin their program with Conversation, Composition and Reading I (SPAN2215) or II (SPAN2216).

An Italian Studies major assures exceptional competence in Italian, allowing students to work extensively and closely with literary and cultural artifacts that language makes possible. Building on their linguistic proficiency consolidated in the language program, majors expand that proficiency to a wide variety of Italian texts. This training exercises and assures our students' ability to analyze texts and contexts, as well as to conceive, articulate, and defend an original idea.

Italian Studies minors reap similar benefits, albeit to a lesser extent, by attaining linguistic proficiency and taking at least two advanced courses.